
Q & A Rideon Mowers - Albany Mowers & Machinery Limited

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Q & A Rideon Mowers

Q: I am thinking about buying a Rideon mower. Where do I start?
A: Give us a call on 4159756 and give us an idea of your property and your expected budget. Then come into our showroom at 237 Dairy Flat Highway in the heart of Albany Village to see what we have got. If you are still uncertain of what you need we are happy to meet you at your property.
Q: What brand(s) of rideon mower do you sell?
A: Almost exclusively Husqvarna. This is because the lifestyle blocks that we service in the Albany / Rodney mow up to 2 hectares (30 to 70 hours mowing pa) generally have a budget in the $4,000 to $10,000 price range.
Q: What does Husqvarna offer in this demographic?
A: Husqvarna is the only Rideon brand to offer 4 distinctly different types of rideon mower, each with its special attributes - The Garden Tractor, The Intergrated Catcher Tractor, The Zero turn mower, The Rider. In our opinion Husqvarna offers the best buy in this area.
Q: Why?
A: Buying a rideon is not about price - it is about value. Value is a package that cosists of a machine that is capable of doing what you requre, at a sensible budget to suit you, for the longest period possible. Husqvarna fills all these requirements - they are well built, well priced, have a model to suit most of these requirements, offer excelent longterm parts availability & prices, and should last you 15 years or more with regular servicing.
Q: What does it cost to own a rideon mower?
A: If you allow $10 per week for your fuel & service cost you won't be far out. Treat it well and you get some change. Treat it like a tractor, not a large area mower that it is and it will cost you more.
Q: What kind of slope can I use a rideon mower on?
A: There are are two potential problems with rideon mowers on slopes - traction & stability. The american safety standards suggest 10 degrees accross the slope & 15 degrees up and down. The diflock  feature on many Husqvarnas is invaluable in assisting traction and downhill braking. 'Kiwis' tend to push the boundries so you may need to compomise - plant out steeper slopes or use a good brush cutter (not a toy)
Q: Why should I consider Albany mowers for my next rideon mower purchase?
A: EXPERIENCE As part of the Gardening Aids Group we have been selling & servicing rideons for over 40 years.
     AFTER SALES SERVICE We are very experienced in it & very good at it.
     BEST OVERALL DEAL Right product. experienced after sales service,  great purchase bonuses.
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