
About our services - Albany Mowers & Machinery Limited

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About our services

Rideon mowers
Rideon mowers

Rideon Repairs

PLEASE NOTE: We have heard from customers that they have received phone calls from Gardening Aids in  Wairau Road purporting to be the same company as Albany Mowers & Machinery. There has been no link between the two Companies since September 2021. They have dishonestly obtained a copy of the Albany Mowers customer database, which they are using to their advantage. The feed back is not positive for ourselves or our Customers.


NOTE: Booking in rideon mowers is essential. Please do not just turn up with it as we may well not be able to take it.

In order that you get the best performance & reliability out of your ride on mower, you need to get it regularly serviced. Every 50 hours is important / 100 hours is essential

Many people beieve that to keep a ride on mower in good condition all that is needed is a bit of a wash & top up the oil occasionally. The truth is that a proper rideon service takes about 3 hours and involves over 50 seperate items of inspecting, adjusting & cleaning.

Q. How much does it cost to maintain a rideon?
A .Based on 25 to 50 hours per year use & reasonable care - $10 per week.

We have developed an exclusive Servicing program & warranty extension bonus to help you.

We offer such innovative services as -

  • EXW Extended Warranty Servicing - options up to 5 years warranty cover with regularly serviced machines from new

  • ESP Extended Servicing Plan - Special priced off season annual servicing

  • RIDEON VALET SERVICE- includes collection & delivery (Post code 0632, 0793, 0794), oil change & air filter clean & condition report.

    Followed by full valet -  waterblast clean, Deck corrosion report, polish & tyre black - $249 incl. GST

  • Deck refurbishment - to a level to suit you. Full refurb includes remove dismantle deck, sandblast, hot zinc spray, & epoxy painted will extend your deck shell life almost forever,

  • Fixed price winter servicing  - menu board servicing - know what it will cost before the job is done.

  • You deliver- or Collection & delivery service at nominal cost. Just call 4159756

  • Guaranteed  quality of repair and 72 hour breakdown service turnaround on machines on our Service Plan.

There are some conditions. Want to find out more?
CALL 4159756 OR EMAIL US at

 6 months interest free,  No Deposit, finance available on repairs * Q Credit Criteria apply

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